Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Great Reference

Some time back, I happened upon a group called TED, which was organized in 1984 and has a roll of members from many different walks of life, who get together a couple of times a year to listen to some of the more thought provoking ideas in technology, entertainment and design. Since its inception, TED has initiated explorations in many new areas and at their conferences they have a number of individuals make presentations on different subjects. The presentation that really caught my attention was one offered by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. The link to Dr. Taylor's presentation at the TED Conference is

For those of you unfamiliar with Dr. Taylor's work, she is a well known brain researcher, who had a stroke as she was preparing to go to work one morning. Pretty interesting that an individual, who has spent her life studying the brain had a stroke and realized what was happening to her. She published a book about her experience of the stroke and recovery, which is entitled "My Stroke of Insight."

That she was able to make a complete recovery and continue her work is amazing; however, her fascination with what makes we humans up is what really reasonated with me. She described each of us somewhat like this (I let a friend borrow my copy of the book and haven't seen it for over a year!) an everchanging structure of energy and 70 Billion cells working in concert to accomplish that which we desire and think about.

What strikes me is how many calculations it would take these billions of cells in my body to catch a baseball thrown in my direction at 90 miles per hour or to put a perfect golf swing together. There is no possible way our conscious mind could even begin to perform these calculations, without blowing a gasket of some sort. So what are we really? Are we what we see in the mirror each morning when we rise (physical reality) or is that image what we reflect in the Universe and co-create on a daily basis in concert with the Universe (a more spiritual reality)?

Think on it and let me know what your thoughts are. If this strikes you as especially thought provoking, tell your friends to reply to my blog! I am interested in as many opinions as possible and thank you for your readership.

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. I feel that life is an interactive "movie" that we chose to come to from our higher cosmic self. We have many, many incarnations in many places and times which are all having experiences simultaneously. These experiences and the wisdom gained by them are given to the higher cosmic self. When one's higher cosmic self has gained the wisdom (through thousands maybe millions of experiences) of infinite love it spirals out never to return to the classroom of the physical plane again. Sounds easy.
    We are from the moment of birth when the soul enters the body of a newborn you, inundated with bits of information. This information is 99.9% not the truth, it consists of interpretations passed on from generation to generation which make up the collective dream of the Universe, Planet, Country, State, Political party, Community, Club and Family etc... but you accept it because you possess neither the ability nor the wisdom to question it.
    At some point we may reject some or in rare situations all of this information. As we try to break free there are agents of the ego waiting at the door to lure you back in.
    We can escape but we may go right back in because we get blinded by our new found self importance. This can happen again and again, so we must be why we are doing everything that we do.
    Disdain, hate, anger, self-importance, anything that elevates us above others or tries to make others lower than us including animals and bugs and vegetation will bar us from escape.
    Allowing pain to rule anything is the ego controlling us. Pain is manifested in many ways and does not always feel like pain. We must watch our reactions to everything, this will clue us into whether or not the ego is manipulation us for it's enjoyment.
    Love, Grace, tenderness, generosity, respect, forgiveness and a quiet mind are the things that will help.
    Meditation is my way to a quiet mind. I can quiet my mind down to no thought at all for 30 minutes or more. When I wish to think I am mindful of my thoughts, as well as my words and actions. When I veer off the path I watch myself in action as a third person. It helps me to do that. I usually laugh.
    Whatever the deal is, I have felt that something big is happening lately and it is accelerating. Our cumulative behavior will be used to allow us passage to the celestial world or not. So whatever we may find to be important in the way of making money, being right, racing to be first to the next red light, not treating everyone with respect including plants and animals.... or the opposite..... softness, kindness, a loving imprint, generosity, they all add up.
    When we no longer have a point to make or a dog in the fight we're close

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
    Life is but a dream
