Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is Wrong About Feeling Good About Yourself?

Please watch the attached, especially those of you who feel under-appreciated, unworthy or down in the mouth about your circumstances.

Contribute something to the world tomorrow. How different would the world be tomorrow if everyone did one thing in support of their fellow woman or man? Mull that over!!!


Gaining on 50 and on Understanding

As I sit 42 days away from beginning my 50th year on this planet, I was reminded that this number is just that, a number. The famous Negro Leagues pitcher Satchell Paige when asked how he thought he would fare as a pitcher in the Major Leagues at the ripe old age of 42 said, "If you didn't know how old you were, how old would you be?" A great answer from a great man, who went through tough times to realize his dream of playing against the best baseball players in the world.

As I reflect on the adversity he endured, I wonder if this world, as it currently stands is the best that the collective consciousness of its 6 Billion Inhabitants can do. With so many suffering from disease, malnutrition, auspicious circumstances and the like, is it so incredibly tough to follow the lead of a few honorable individuals, who gave up thinking about their own personal gain in order to help others? How can we all take one step to remove these dreaded circumstances from our planet that affect so many of us? Something to think about.

I am writing a book on how to overcome these conditions and when published, I will set up Non-Profit Foundations to assist those in need and help them help themselves. It is the least I can do to leave this place/reality in better shape than I found it. What will you do?

Friday, April 23, 2010

I Think Some of This is Starting to Stick

I have been spending my drive time listening to Deepak Chopra's "Reinventing the Body, Reinvigorating the Soul". I have found it to be an extremely helpful guide to enhanced discovery of self, appreciation of what I have discovered and what has yet to be uncovered. I have cleverly bumbled my way through life for 48 years and only recently stopped in my tracks to extend an inquisitive gaze backward to inspect what my life had become. What I saw, a desperate and barren wasteland engaged me in a new thirst for education about Who I Am, Why I am Here and What Am I To Be Doing.

I have not been happy with many, relationships, outlook, the future and I thought now would be an appropriate time to do something about myself, change myself for the betterment not only of myself, but also for those around me and those whom I encounter in daily life.

Dr. Chopra speaks of a balance between Body, Mind and Soul, of "Being Centered" and "Completing the Circle". When I looked at the elements of Body, Mind and Soul, I found that my Mind (ego) was clouded with negative thoughts about how my body looked and how could I get anywhere near success looking like I did. Sure, I could stand to lose 10-15 pounds and would look better with a great mane of brown hair on my head, but as I started to think about it, I asked myself, Why am I battling myself with these expectations that will, if consciously contemplated provide me with a brilliantly constructed negative image of myself? Why?

Why not instead attempt to strike a positive balance between these three key aspects of myself, such that the energy I put out toward others is just that, positive, endearing if you will. If you locate that balance, you become centered; able to view each occurrence in your life without predjudice and take it for what it is, an experience...something you may have even created in your own mind via your own thoughts.

I know I am a long way from Completing the Circle, but I know that when I am at peace and just let things happen and unfold as they are supposed to, I am much happier and look forward to the future, no matter if it is 10 minutes away, next week or next year.

In attempting to bring Body, Mind and Soul together so they are on the same page (especially if you think your body is flawed in any number of ways), think about all the work your body does for you without your knowledge. Stop for a moment and listen to your breathing pattern. After you have listened to it for a while, try to ignore it. It takes a while to do that. Next, feel your pulse and think about how many times your heart beats to pump blood throughout your body, regardless of whether you are sitting at your desk working on a project or running the stairs to stay in shape. All of it goes on without ANY conscious effort on your part.

You just need to know that in and of yourself, YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are an amazing creation of the Universe and it is expressing itself through you each and every day. Find that PEACE. Find that BALANCE and enjoy it. Your body is there every day for you. Be there for it. Listen to it. Reward it and be grateful for it, because it is all you have, which is quite a lot.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Great Question To Think About

My brother Jeff had this posted on his Facebook Page. I listened to it this morning and it carries a very powerful message. It is a message that will assist you the sooner you learn it. Simply, the message is, "What Matters?" Copy this link and paste it into your browser to see the YouTube Video. The content should help you to Focus Beyond Your "Self"!!!

Make it a great day!

All the Best,

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Great Reference

Some time back, I happened upon a group called TED, which was organized in 1984 and has a roll of members from many different walks of life, who get together a couple of times a year to listen to some of the more thought provoking ideas in technology, entertainment and design. Since its inception, TED has initiated explorations in many new areas and at their conferences they have a number of individuals make presentations on different subjects. The presentation that really caught my attention was one offered by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. The link to Dr. Taylor's presentation at the TED Conference is

For those of you unfamiliar with Dr. Taylor's work, she is a well known brain researcher, who had a stroke as she was preparing to go to work one morning. Pretty interesting that an individual, who has spent her life studying the brain had a stroke and realized what was happening to her. She published a book about her experience of the stroke and recovery, which is entitled "My Stroke of Insight."

That she was able to make a complete recovery and continue her work is amazing; however, her fascination with what makes we humans up is what really reasonated with me. She described each of us somewhat like this (I let a friend borrow my copy of the book and haven't seen it for over a year!) an everchanging structure of energy and 70 Billion cells working in concert to accomplish that which we desire and think about.

What strikes me is how many calculations it would take these billions of cells in my body to catch a baseball thrown in my direction at 90 miles per hour or to put a perfect golf swing together. There is no possible way our conscious mind could even begin to perform these calculations, without blowing a gasket of some sort. So what are we really? Are we what we see in the mirror each morning when we rise (physical reality) or is that image what we reflect in the Universe and co-create on a daily basis in concert with the Universe (a more spiritual reality)?

Think on it and let me know what your thoughts are. If this strikes you as especially thought provoking, tell your friends to reply to my blog! I am interested in as many opinions as possible and thank you for your readership.

All the best,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra

I attended Marianne Williamson's Lecture last night in Hollywood, California. She is a very captivating speaker and her thoughts and ideas brought me some comfort. Through the title of this blog, you may surmise that I am looking for answers to questions that some of you may deem silly or WAY OUT. Specifically, I am wondering why I am here, what the purpose of my life should be and why I wasted 25 years of my life being an Insurance Broker when there was so much more to see and do to benefit others. As I learned from the class, my questions are pretty much EGO driven. The EGO, according to Marianne is the "Impostor" Self, the side of us that gets us in trouble through the belief that WE must make everything happen and that there IS NO HIGHER POWER above ourselves to help us through our trials and tribulations.

Some other Pearls of Wisdom from Marianne Williamson were:

Everything that occurs in life is a reaction to either FEAR OR LOVE and the EGO rejects love out of fear.

Suffering gives you insight in to the pain that others feel.

The Universe is a self-correcting field of energy and is set up for Win-Win, NOT Win Lose.

It isn't arrogant to think HIGHLY of YOURSELF. The biggest FEAR people have is not that they are Insignificant or Unworthy, but that they are a Magnificently Powerful Being that CAN accomplish their wildest dreams and ideas.

I also listened to one of the CD's from Deepak Chopra's "Reinventing the Body; Resurrecting the Soul" audio collection. His thoughts that WE ARE the Intersection of the Visible and Invisible Worlds is heady stuff, if you take the time to study and grasp the meaning of this. We are after all an energetic mass of 70 trillion cells moving through an experience that reflects the reality of our Creator, whomever or whatever you believe it or him or her to be.

Further, Dr. Chopra believes that disease is caused by our energy levels being out of balance or the "chain" of our energy (Chi or Qi) being broken or interrupted. He relates an interesting story from a friend who suffers from Parkinson's Disease and attends a Chigong (or Qigong) Healing Class.

Chigong (or Qigong) consists of techniques for dealing with human energy flow. In applying these techniques, one employs the use of the human body's chakras and meridians which are the body's focal points and channels through which it's Qi Energy flows. In the view of Chinese medicine, many illnesses are caused by blockages in these channels. In learning to recognize, utilize, circulate, and direct the internal energy of the human body, an individual can also connect with the energy of the universe and of the earth, and learn to interact with all of nature as a whole. Through use of certain energies and techniques, Qi Gong can relieve pain, strengthen the body's constitution, improve intelligence, and prolong life.

It's widely accepted that exercise can promote health and prevent illnesses. Western exercise, however, concentrates on muscular/skeletal development through the application of stress and load to build up strength. In other words, it works from the outside inward. Qi Gong, on the other hand, works the body from the inside, outwards. It connects the body and spirit, focusing on breathing, concentration, and physical movements (Note, the above two paragraphs were copied from

I will keep up the research and postings and if any of you out there have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write back.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I will be attending Marianne Williamson's (Author of A Return To Love) class this evening, March 9, 2010. It is to be held at 7:30 pm at:

Regent Showcase Theater
614 N. La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90036

Charge is $15 at the door. Visit for additional details and information on her books, journal and other offerings.

Tomorrow, the Chopra Institute will be conducting a FREE Teleseminar between the hours of 2pm and 3pm Pacific Standard Time. The link to the Seminar is as follows:

I am not certain if you need to sign-up to receive the Institute's monthly publication to attend the seminar; however, I have found this electronic newsletter to be a very helpful resource.

Blessings and Peace,